

Closed Colonics

Colonic Hydrotherapy is our leading health service, offering you health from the inside out. Hydrating you from a cellular level and aiding you in the removal of unwanted waste.


Stay hydrated in the days leading up to the procedure to soften the stool.

Opt for light meals, avoiding red meat, complex carbs, heavy, greasy or spicy foods before the session.

Skip alcohol and caffeine to prevent dehydration.

Stop drinking liquids 1 hour prior to colonic to avoid full bladder which can effect the body releasing


We want all of our clients to feel supported throughout their journey with us, and know that they are getting the best out of their treatments with us.

A safe space for any & every one


Keep up with hydration post-session.

Stick to light, easy-to-digest foods like soup, fruits and vegetables.

Avoid heavy or processed meals.

Listen to your body, some cramp-like discomfort or more releasing is perfectly normal.

Allow yourself some rest and recovery time. Be open to emotions or triggers. This is more than just a 'physical' shift.

Side by Side Service

Add a sauna to the end of your colonic session for greater overall detoxification of the system.


Colonic FAQ's


It's a common belief you will be "running to a toilet" post a colonic. The reality is, your colonic session finishes, the minute you have your final release on the toilet post hoping off the treatment bed.

In an ideal world, we would love to allow space for the physical and emotional body to digest, continue to release whatever emotions come up and have some downtime to restore itself but it won't always be everyone's reality. We have taken this element into thought when designing our clinic. Therefor we will be recommending you enjoy your post-session restorative beverage, with some alone time within our in-house far infrared sauna or enjoy some sun, in our private outdoor Reply to Oasis garden.

We always suggest aiming to keep the digestive system not in strain but equally not asleep.

You want to refrain from any heavy or reactive foods the day prior or the day of - this includes wheat (bread, pasta), dairy (excessive straight milk, yoghurt, large amounts of cheese), red meats and all processed sugars. All of these elements require A LOT by the digestive tract and therefore the bowl and system can fatigued before we've really hit the magic point.

Ideally drinking fresh juices, straight celery juice and bone broths are the best way to keep the digestive system at ease in lead up to a colonic. The morning of a colonic however you do want the stomach to wake up and therefore don't come to a session on a completely empty stomach. Have something small - Banana, half an apple and always good quality WATER much like our supplied Kangen water in the salon.

if none of this was achievable, it does not mean a session cannot go ahead by no means - it simply means the body may need to work a little harder for a deep colon release)

This is really dependent on the client, their health concerns and their overall well-being goal.

We personally believe that any client who's new to Colonics or for client who's severely suffering unexplained constipation, bloating, diarrhoea, sticky bowl (mucus covering their poo, leaving remnants on the bowl) we would suggest aiming for 3 sessions as close as you possibly can (day after day, 3 within 1 week or max within 2 weeks) this is purely based on a starting point or suffering from the above, we can always guarantee your first colonic is predominantly going to be re-hydrating the colon more than anything.

With 92% of society chronically dehydrated the colon will take us much of the "fill phase" as it needs to help re-hydrate itself and for distribution.

During this first session, a patient will still usually have some great bowl movement and release but it's unlikely we would have reached the entire

1.5m of the colon for a thorough cleanse.

Your second and third session close together is where you really begin to see but most importantly FEEL the magic of a colonic.

Thereafter for ongoing well-being, some patients may want to have a weekly, fortnightly or monthly session. This will really be determined by your current health concerns and how amazingly a colonic may be assisting you with any bowel issues, chronic illnesses, inflammatory disease, candida, parasites, mucus etc.

More impactful however you as a patient will determine your frequency the minute you start to feel and see the benefits on all levels of mental, emotional and physical well-being.

There is and should NOT be any unwarranted pain or discomfort during a colonic.

There is no pain on insertion, only mild discomfort this is usually more a mental response, than a physical). Throughout a "fill phase" where the water is being released into the colon and working its way around, can a patient experience certain points of stomach cramping - similar to when you desperately need to release your bowel. This is usually associated with a trapped gas bubble that we're attempting to navigate the water flow around, a blockage or when a client simply cannot fill any longer.

On a release, a client at times can feel a slightly nauseous feeling which does pass almost instantly. This is due to moving toxic fecal matter, passing excess amounts of mucus and or parasites. Your body wasn't having a fun time with these in and more than often Reply to a fun time when getting them out.

They definitely both serve a purpose...

OPEN SYSTEM - the patient is in a room of their own, by themselves.

You are left to insert your speculum yourself and lay on what looks like a raise-legged bed, in which there is a drop hole beneath the buttocks to catch all fecal matter that comes out of the patient.

This mechanism uses a constant flow of water and it is left to the patient to watch and monitor the water temperature for change. Once your time is complete, a therapist will enter the room and switch off the device. You are then asked to clean off any leftover fecal matter that may not have made it down the hole and prepare to head to the toilet.

It's great for those who simply cannot fathom being in this process, having a therapist with them. HOWEVER

CLOSED SYSTEM - the entire treatment is guided by your therapist, meaning your speculum is inserted by a trained professional ensuring no accidental harm is done on entry. The speculum has both a water flow and release tubing, there is no mess, as all fecal matter is released from within the rectum straight into tubing - through the machine and into sewage.

Your therapist is there to not only monitor the fill and release of the water flow which helps break through any blockages, helps the bowl find its natural frequency but also allows for a greater distance of colon to be reached and cleansed. Change of water temperature is done by your therapist based on what's needed, as well by feeling through our intrusive stomach massage

Most importantly your therapist is there to ensure you and your body are coping and thriving through the whole process.

Nothing is left to the patient other than to go within, breathe, be guided to release and trust in the body and soul to get the most out of the experience. 

  • Stomach pain or tenderness
  • Diarrhoea or constant loose stools
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Gas or bloating
  • Sugar and or wheat based cravings
  • Passing blood and mucus within your stool
  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
  • Constant fatigue
  • Disrupted sleep with constant waking up
  • Flare up of symptoms around a full moon
  • Rapid Weight loss or weight gain
  • The most obvious - Passing a worm in your stool

There’s no such thing as a “bad day” for a colonic, there’s simply some that are better than others.

For a woman - during your period (from day 2/3) is your prime time; as your body is in its natural “releasing stage” of your month. This isn’t to say you’re not going to get great release any other day, it’s simply just an optimal time for a colonic. The least effective are the 2 days prior to your period, as your body is storing, resting and preparing for its release.

Got more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us for all your colonic inquiries.


From our customers


Feeling so amazing! And loved your kind energy. Thank you again X


I feel great today! I cannot wait to come back! I felt so light and my head was so clear all night and day and slept so amazing


I'm absolutely dumbfounded. I mean I knew inside was not a representation of my daily healthy habits but a build-up. But to actually see and experience this stuff is WILD! Thank you, what was life like before we found you? Please don't leave ever haha


I can't even f***ing deal. WOW, I did a light easy poo but could feel something hanging my belly was so